Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Senin, 11 Juli 2011

me and my best :)

just me & agistha

yap..she's my best friend..
beautiful,eh?? :)
although she don't use glasses like me,it's not mean if we don't have some chemistry :p
i've laugh,cry,and share everything with her
and if we met, something that could make we laugh always did..haha :D
that's why surely i'll gonna miss her when she doesn't live at Surabaya anymore T^T
yeah,she'll continue her study at Malang..

but, all of my prays always with you, my best :)
i hope, we always keep in touch

always keep our friendship bracelet :)
for me,the colours of that bracelet means :
  • black for strenght
  • green for our friendship
  • yellow for our spirit and happiness
so,never lose it,okay?! it's a symbol of a strap of our friendship :)

never forget me, Agistha Reolidina Fahrudin :')

 will be an everlasting friendship

2 commentbeats:

Agistha RF mengatakan...

Ahiks ahiks... Awal baca postingmu,q trharu bgt.
G nyangka y perjalanan qt secepat ini. Tiga thn qt brsama,jd sahabat karib selama SMA.Tp skrg masa SMA tlah brakhir. Q kuliah d Malang,u d Sby.
Yaaah... Itu bkn halangan buat qt.

Prsahabatan g akn pupus oleh wkt.
G akan trpisah oleh jarak.
Ia akn slalu ada d hati.
Trsimpan rapi & menjadi kenangan manis dlm memori otak.
Ia adalah kisah prsahabatan qt. ^_^

Q g akn prnh lupa u,my soul.
Justru qt jauh akn makin menguatkan prsahabatan qt. Kn jd makin kangen.
Kl ketemu makin rusak,cacat & mbaong2.
Love you when we're together.
Still love you when we're apart! ^_^

zwharei mengatakan...

miss you, my best :*

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